Feeding, Empowering and Serving Others!


What We Do

Since 2011, The Bread Basket has been serving the people of Lawrence County. Our food distribution takes place on the third Saturday of each month from 9:00–10:30am.


Help Your Neighbors in Need

Get Involved

The Breadbasket serves hundreds of families per month, providing food distribution and support. Volunteer opportunities are every month on the third Saturday from 8:00–11:30am. Volunteers can also join us on the Friday preceding our distribution from 9:00–11:00am.



To make a monetary donation, please give online and select “New Life Bread Basket” under Fund.

Donate Now

Distribution Dates - 2025

Distribution takes place in New Castle at 374 Produce St
from 9:00 to 10:30.

January 18th
February 15th
March 15th
April 19th
May 17th
June 21st
July 19th
August 16th
September 20th
October 18th
November 15th
December 20th